Category Archives: Web

The Importance of Active Security

Data needs to be protected. This is well known. Whether at home, or more importantly in business, the need to have a reliable security feature is critical.

Yet security needs to be a constantly active feature. Simply installing software will not do. The best database security is a combination of software and regular testing which monitors performance to ensure everything is running as smoothly as it should. These combined methods unveil any hidden dangers, ensuring a data system is as safe as it can be.

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Secure Systems

The first step in securing any database is to have the right security. Whilst you can limit access and control a lot of this from your office, it doesn’t stop external parties trying to gain unlawful entry into your private data.

Any business typically has various financial records and customer details that are likely targets for such a breach, so it’s easy to see why a potential data-thief would be interested in your specific server.

Such data security involves a number of areas. The server and network themselves need to be closely protected as this is where the database is stored so a data breach could potentially give access to anything stored within.


Having such a security system in place is useful, but it needs to be tested. Why invest in something you can’t guarantee works?

Just like you would stress test a server to ensure it suits your current needs, so too should you regularly invest in penetration tests for security. These are essentially the same principles; by recreating an actual breach or attack, you can know exactly how your security systems would fare.


Whilst it’s one thing to know that a secure and safe system is in place, it still doesn’t excuse keeping a constant eye on your data. Active security monitoring ensures that nothing goes unnoticed. It’s still better to know if someone is trying to gain entry to your secure data than find out once it’s too late.

A common example of this is delta scanning. By scanning and establishing a baseline, delta scanning can use this as a reference for future scans. This can be done anywhere between a daily and annual basis. The more you do it, the more any noticeable changes can be flagged up. This can alert you to any attempts to breach the security, or from added traffic, such as a DDoS attack.

Facebook News Feed Inspired by Mobile

Facebook finally ditched its years… old user New Feed with an mobile inspired more vibrant and colorful New Feed. At an event held at Facebook HQ, Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a complete overhauled “New Feed” in a way to reduce clutters and focus more on stories.

facebook news feed mobile web Facebook overhauled the News Feed getting Inspired by Mobile

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With the redesigned News Feed,  Photos, news articles, maps and events all look brighter and more beautiful. The mobile inspired News Feed, brings most of the design elements directly from its Mobile apps. Now Facebook has the same look and feel on mobile, tablet and web. As an example, the left-hand menu in the new redesigned Facebook layout is coming directly from the Mobile menu that slides from the left hand side and it’s accessible anywhere you go on Facebook. Also users always have a way to jump right to the top of News Feed whenever new stories come in.  In addition the normal new feed, Facebook is also bringing in several other news feed like –

  • All Friends – a feed that shows you everything your friends are sharing
  • Photos – a feed with nothing but photos from your friends and the Pages you like
  • Music – a feed with posts about the music you listen to
  • Following – a feed with the latest news from the Pages you like and the people you follow.

facebook redesigned news feed Facebook overhauled the News Feed getting Inspired by Mobile

Facebook New Feed – Before and After layout

At a personal level we built a service that lets you see and feel the people and friends you care about. What we’re trying to do is give everyone in the world the best personalized newspaper. It should have quality public content from friends. It should have a front page and it should let you drill down into any topic you want. It should be visual, rich and engaging. They should be displayed with more than just text. From the beginning our goal with news feed was different than what any service was trying to provide. You should be able to share any type of content you want…and with any audience you want. The types you tell with photos are totally different.” commented Mark Zuckerberg.

Facebook will be rolling out this new design over the coming weeks on both web and mobile (including iOS and Android mobile apps). Users can also get early access to the redesigned News Feed by joining the wait list.

Vodafone Angel Store in Kerala

A unique step on women empowerment from India’s leading telecom operator Vodafone India, launches ‘Vodafone Angel store’ in Aluva, a retail outlet in Kerala which is managed and run completely by women employees.

vodafone angle store women Vodafone Opens ‘Angel Store’ retail outlet in Kerala, run only by Women Employees

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Centrally located at Aluva, the Vodafone Angel Store now has the distinction of being the first among Vodafone’s retail outlets in Kerala, with only women staff members. The Vodafone Angel Store will provide the finest levels of customer service. Vodafone India will start 15 such Angel stores in most of its telecom circles which include Delhi, Mumbai Pune, Goa, Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Shillong, Bhubaneshwar, Jaipur, Agra, Mysore, Chennai, Lucknow, Kolkata and Hyderabad.

We believe economic empowerment of women is a great building block in social development. The Angel store is Vodafone’s endeavour to provide our women employees with one of the most secure and productive working environments in the city. Vodafone India has always laid great emphasis on equal rights and opportunities for our employees and our policies encourage women employees to aspire for and achieve their career ambitions.  We are confident that our Angel Store staff members will excel in their tasks and succeed in making this store one of the finest Vodafone stores in Kerala.” commented S. Murali, Business Head – Kerala Circle, Vodafone India during the launch event.

vodafone angle store kerala Vodafone Opens ‘Angel Store’ retail outlet in Kerala, run only by Women Employees

Ms. Payal Soni, President, NWWA (SR) inaugurating the store

Speaking after inaugurating the store, Ms. Payal Soni, President, NWWA (SR) said, “I am extremely honoured to be here today and would like to thank Vodafone for giving me an opportunity to be a part of this wonderful initiative. Women are no less than outstanding, be it business, politics, entertainment, sports or any other field. I am sure that the Vodafone Angel Store employees will put in their best and produce excellent results.”

This initiative by Vodafone India is to encourage diversity and inclusion at workplace by constantly improving and reinventing itself by offering its employees with best in industry workplace conditions.