Daily Archives: March 9, 2013

Search Engine Optimization : An Introduction

Search Engine Optimization is a technique used to optimize web sites in order to make them rank better in search engine indexes.

Almost all the search engine, like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask, etc… use a specific algorithm to rank the web pages in their index. This rank mainly depends on the importance of the website for others. Means, if other websites link to your website, then you get a better ranking in the index.

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The process of indexing and ranking the web pages goes like this…

The search engines crawl the whole web at regular intervals of time using their automatic robot programs called search engine crawlers. In crawling process the crawler checks the contents of the web page and the links to it. Then according to the contents and number of link backs, the search engine indexes the web page and ranks it in the index.

Crawlers may also look at a number of different factors when crawling a site. Not every page is indexed by the search engines. Distance of pages from the root directory of a site may also be a factor in whether or not pages get crawled. In order to get assured indexing and a better ranking we optimize our web pages using the search engine optimization techniques.

The main steps which come under SEO are…

  1. Generating Robot.txt
  2. Adding meta tags, mainly of keywords and description.
  3. Using search engine crawler friendly content on the web pages.

These days SEO industry is coming up at a very fast pace. Many people have set up SEO firms and sell their services in optimizing websites for others. However, doing the SEO the wrong way, might get you penalized by various search engines, specially by Big G i.e. Google. Hence you should only trust best seo companies, to do SEO for you, as they have many years of experience and know the in and out of the same.

In the era of Google penalizing sites using Panda and Penguin updates, you should be very sure in deciding best seo company for you, because doing it wrong would cause more damage then by not doing it at all. Always stay away from grey hat and black hat SEO.

Gone are the days, when people wanted a user friendly and fast loading website. Almost all the websites are user friendly and fast in loading now. But when you have over 5 billion websites and trillions of web pages running in the whole world, and giant search engines crawling the whole web everyday, then you need something extra to remain in demand. SEO provides you the power to get ahead of others.

Cloud Monitoring : Introduction & More

We have always heard of “the cloud” from techie in every nook and corner of the web world as if there is only a single cloud. But to be fair, this is the best way it could be described as the end users are not supposed to be worried about the location of the data or where the applications are emerging from

Indian Songs

While I must say that “the cloud” now is not the only one, in fact the whole sky of clouds has been the technology “Cloud”. Now numerous companies offering clouds services for various applications. A form of cloud monitoring is essential now to keep a track of this. The cloud storage is for structured as well as unstructured data. Cloud service is for various platforms and could be public private or hybrid.

Keeping Track of Shifting Environments

All the Internal complications are invisible to end users , all they see is their data, but the cloud complexities and abundance is taken care by IT and Ops professionals.

Handling the cloud according to customer specifications is a humongous task. All they need is that the end users get to use their application as simple as possible and this makes an application successful in the market. The details of the application infrastructure are invisible to the customer and this makes the IT professionals to enforce much more capacity than they could afford it.

The price of cloud features and flexibility has quite less direct control over what goes inside it. Sometimes, what goes inside the cloud can be really dangerous t to application. For instance network latency can reduce the application’s responsiveness to a much greater extent

What matters to application users is that it has hung up, they don’t care or know what might be the actual fault. This might lead to customers’ dissatisfaction and hence a huge void in sales. For organizations, in case of a failure or network congestion, employees might sit idle for hour waiting for application to re run and thus a huge amount of productivity is lost.

Streamlining Cloud Management

Most of Cloud management use virtualized servers in their data centers. Heavy appliances linked to servers used to be the best solution available, but not now.

Today’s cloud users demand more responsive, supple and readily adaptable cloud monitoring which provide full range of cloud options that firms may access.

Applications are monitored in real time by boundary solutions with instant updating solutions. Grave problems like latency can be detected at very early stage and resolved well before they could even be escalated at a higher level

The cloud ecosystem is becoming richer, more varied, and more powerful. Let Boundary be a partner in binding that power to meet business needs more effectively.

Is Your Monitoring System Cloud Ready?

Below are some key considerations in determining if your monitoring system is cloud-ready.

  1. Deployment agility
  2. Ubiquitous access
  3. Ability to operate in a secure manner, within and across firewalls
  4. Capability to monitor the performance of applications hosted in the cloud
  5. Capability to monitor remote desktops efficiently
  6. Extensibility to support cloud provider APIs
  7. End-to-end monitoring, with automated root cause analysis
  8. Ability to deliver monitoring itself as a cloud-based service
  9. Licensing flexibility

Mnation : Location Based Social Networking

We have been seeing different web sites that would allow us to do cool things with our cell phones, but usually with more expensive smart phones. However, recently we came across mnation.co that allows anyone with a cell phone to enjoy great facilities:

  1. Mobile chat with friends and people who are closeby,
  2. Find locations and people who are close by,
  3. Allow you to announce to your friends that you are at a certain location,
  4. See your friends’ locations on a map (if they allow you).

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So we set out to review this app and check what was possible. The site is only accessible from a cell phone – so accessing it via a laptop takes us to the landing page (looks full of energy) which asks us to login with a cell phone. The desktop landing page is just that, it does not give a whole lot of information but just asks visitors to log in via their cell phone.

The site loads up quickly on the phone, and offers a short introduction to mnation and sign up possibility as well as logging in via email address or cell number. It is also possible to sign up via facebook, which we did as it takes only two clicks. On the other hand, the registration page allows us to choose a nickname and upload a picture. This is one of the few sites that still allows users to have a nickname.

So we login and see there are basically four areas of what is available.

  1. I can add my name and my city name. If I click on the city name, I can see all the locations that are closeby, do a search and see the ratings of the location and where it is on a map.
  2. There is a check-ins link, where I can see the places where I have announced as my location and on that basis I can collect points. The possibility to announce and rate only appears if I am in under certain distance of the location.
  3. It is possible to write a message and “shout” – which goes out to all my friends.
  4. There’s friend area which shows my friend activity and clicking on it takes me to a list of all my friends, I can search for them and chat with them or see where they are. The “Add friends” area has a “Google” and “Yahoo” button on top – and I can invite my friends from Google and Yahoo to mnation.co also. Since I have logged in with Facebook, I see a “My Facebook friends” link – here I see a full list of all my friends from Facebook and I can send them invitations to join mnation – pretty good going so far.
  5. Now to the most popular part of the site I am told. “People nearby” – here you can see all the people who are closeby to you and search for them by interest, gender and age. The search results come back with a picture also 🙂 And you can start chatting with someone you like by hitting the “chat” button. I found almost 10,000 people close by when I logged on.

Browsing around a bit more, I saw the “Profile” link on the footer, here I could edit my picture, change my password, edit interests and most interestingly, change who sees what on my profile. I could choose who sees my real name or picture and if I didn’t want to be available for chat.

All in all I think its an interesting site, which seems to be catching on locally. A little rough around the edges – consistent messages around the site would be great. But guess what – feel free to login and send feedback to the site owner from the footer also.

The Importance of Active Security

Data needs to be protected. This is well known. Whether at home, or more importantly in business, the need to have a reliable security feature is critical.

Yet security needs to be a constantly active feature. Simply installing software will not do. The best database security is a combination of software and regular testing which monitors performance to ensure everything is running as smoothly as it should. These combined methods unveil any hidden dangers, ensuring a data system is as safe as it can be.

Pashto Songs

Secure Systems

The first step in securing any database is to have the right security. Whilst you can limit access and control a lot of this from your office, it doesn’t stop external parties trying to gain unlawful entry into your private data.

Any business typically has various financial records and customer details that are likely targets for such a breach, so it’s easy to see why a potential data-thief would be interested in your specific server.

Such data security involves a number of areas. The server and network themselves need to be closely protected as this is where the database is stored so a data breach could potentially give access to anything stored within.


Having such a security system in place is useful, but it needs to be tested. Why invest in something you can’t guarantee works?

Just like you would stress test a server to ensure it suits your current needs, so too should you regularly invest in penetration tests for security. These are essentially the same principles; by recreating an actual breach or attack, you can know exactly how your security systems would fare.


Whilst it’s one thing to know that a secure and safe system is in place, it still doesn’t excuse keeping a constant eye on your data. Active security monitoring ensures that nothing goes unnoticed. It’s still better to know if someone is trying to gain entry to your secure data than find out once it’s too late.

A common example of this is delta scanning. By scanning and establishing a baseline, delta scanning can use this as a reference for future scans. This can be done anywhere between a daily and annual basis. The more you do it, the more any noticeable changes can be flagged up. This can alert you to any attempts to breach the security, or from added traffic, such as a DDoS attack.

Tablets taking over – Why laptops are still relevant ?

Since the introduction of tablets in April 2010, they are popping up all over the place, from fast-food restaurants to classrooms. Some have already declared it the end of laptops as people switch to the smaller, app-based models, but, do laptops still have a future?

Whichever you choose, just be careful using either at night as sleep patterns can become disrupted!

More powerful for use between work and home

Pashto Songs

However sleek, portable and connected tablets are, they just don’t have the power behind the scenes of a laptop. If you have a job that requires you to occasionally tweak or finish projects between the office and home, you will be far better off with a laptop. It will be able to run more powerful programs alongside other software, whereas a tablet quite quickly runs out of processing power with a number of apps on the go.

For gaming on the move a tablet won’t cut it

If your job isn’t one that requires working on the commute then great, but a tablet still might not offer the performance you are after. Tablets are perfect for a quick app game on a short journey but with a laptop you even have the option to play powerful games while you wait to arrive at your destination.

Laptop has better hardware

With a laptop you will have a full keyboard, not a touch-screen, and the option of larger and higher-resolution screens. There are a few advantages to this. For one it makes typing and finishing work easier and the displays are more resistant to knocks, whereas a tablet screen is incredibly sensitive and can be damaged just by a scratch.

Better value

Pound-for-pound, the technology inside a laptop will stretch your money further. Obviously this depends if you need a powerful device or are just looking for something to entertain you for short periods of time, but laptops, in part owing to the rise in tablets, can be found at fantastic value and are well worth considering.

Multi-Room Media Streaming

Over a period of time you would have accumulated tons of digital content on your PCs and other devices. Managing all this digital content is one of the biggest issues you may face. You like store it one place and stream them to all the devices across your Home network. In one of the previous post, I have discussed how to store it centrally with NAS (Network Attached Storage) and share it across the network.

Pashto Songs

In this post, I will discuss about multi room media streaming and streaming server. Once you have set up your home networking you like to listen to music / watch video in all the rooms with ease and without duplicating your media files. NAS allows you to avoid duplication. Next biggest question is how to share it and stream it across the network. There are too many solutions to it, some are elegant and costly and some are not so elegant but cheaper. Let us look at various popular solutions.

  1. DLNA (Digital Living Network alliance, http://www.dlna.org)
  2. Apple Airplay (www.apple.com)
  3. Sonos multi room music (www.sonos.com)
  4. Placeshifting Technologies from Sling Media Inc (www.slingmedia.com)
  5. Time shifting Technologies (ex: PVR,DVR etc)

DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance)

DLNA is a global collaboration of computer and consumer electronics companies (245 at present) which started in 2003. It issues a set of interoperability guidelines so that all dlna certified products from these companies can share their content, view and play them. It basically uses UPNP (Universal Plug and Play) and extends it for the network sharing of contents. Most of the CE devices available in the market are dlna certified. Ex: TV, Game stations (PS3, XBOX), Blu-Ray players, Media players, NAS, AVRs etc.. Most of the popular operating systems and media player apps support DLNA.

Pros: It is universally supported and quite easy to set up. Generally no extra cost involved.

Cons: It relies on the existing network, so if your wireless network signal is weak or has blind spots this will not work. Since it is based on UPNP it sometimes becomes plug and Pray . DLNA implementation is buggy in some of the devices and it may lead to errors. So eventhough it is easy to setup you need to be tech savvy to make it work.

DLNA certified devices can stream music, photos and videos. For HD content streaming you may require a wired network or the latest Wi-Fi n+ networks .

Apple Airplay (www.apple.com)

If you own lot of Apple products Apple, Airplay may be the best choice. Basically Apple redesigned its popular Air Tunes protocol to include all media files, ie, videos and photos apart from music. So you need a one of the Apple iOS devices (iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch) to stream the media and the receiver end you can have an Apple TV connected to a TV and AVR or any other Air Play compatible devices, ex: Denon, Maranaz, JBL, iHome, Pioneer AVR. Since there are 200+Million iOS users around the World, device manufacturers competing to launch Airplay compatible equipment. So by the end of this year you will be spoiled for choice.

For video streaming use Apple TV connected to you AVR or directly to TV. Use your iPhone/ iPad/ iPod Touch (using the same Wi-Fi) to control the media from anywhere. For extending multiroom operation you can have Airplay compatible speakers in any room for music and Apple TV for video + Audio. In addition you can add Airport express (it works as a repeater) for better Wi-Fi reach and its audio output can be used to connect to any speaker set or use Airplay compatible speakers.

Sonos Multiroom System

This is the best multi room music system money can buy. It is costly but ensures that high quality music follows you to even the nook and corner of your house. The system consists of Sonos Zone Player S5, Zone Player 120, Zone Player 90, Zone Bridge and a controller 200. All these forms a mesh network with each Sonos device acts as a repeater to cover the entire house. This mesh network in turn connects with internet using a Zone Player or bridge to stream internet content. Apart from the Internet connection the rest of the Sonos mesh network is independent of your Wi-Fi network, so there is no question of bandwidth issues or blind spots. It has built in more than 30,000 Internet radio stations and connects to your music stored in your NAS or any other computers.

Zone Player S5

The S5 is a high-performance; all-in-one wireless music system that has 5-driver speaker system which is individually powered by 5 internal digital amplifiers. It includes 2 tweeters, 2 mid-range drivers and 1 subwoofer for high-quality sound. Apart from S5 you need a ZonePlayer or a ZoneBridge connected to the router to play music wirelessly. S5 communicates to other Sonos devices through Sonos 2.0 mesh wireless network

Picture above shows S5 front and rear and the control apps running in an iPad. Sonos S5 is recommended to be used in bedroom or a living room where you may not have a full-fledged AVR and Speaker systems. Sonos S5 retails at $399/- For budget conscious Sonos is bringing S3 or P3 which is cut down version of S5.I will include the details in our quick look session when they release it to public.

Zone Player 120

The Sonos ZonePlayer 120 has a built in stereo amplifier of 50WX2. It is compact and convenient and can be connected to any pair of speakers. The ZP120 works anywhere you’ve ever dreamed of having music — the bedroom, the bathroom or even the backyard. This works wirelessly with your Sonos 2.0 mesh network established by a Zone bridge or S5 conencted to your router. It retails at $499/-

Zone Player 90

The Sonos Zone Player 90 does not have a built-in amplifier but it outputs digital music through optical or coaxial connectors and analog through RCA connectors. It can be connected to the AVR in your living room. In all other respects it will work the same way as other Sonos components.

Zone Bridge BR150

Sonos Zone Bridge is used if you do not have a Ethernet network and your Internet router is located in a place where you do not need a music player. Zone Bridge helps in establishing the Sonos 2.0 wireless mesh network and providing internet connectivity. It has built in 2 port switch so that you can extend the reach of your data network too. It retails at $49/- Sonos starter kit is available from Amazon with Zone palyer S5 and BR150 in a bundle.

Zone Controller C200

Sonos system can be controlled using any iOS devices or using Android phones. But if you need a dedicated controller you need to spend whopping $349/- for C200

Sonos Zone player is the best multi room music system you can have and won too many award to count. It is costly but known to be worth.

Must-have Tech for College Students

If you’re in college, or you’re heading off to college soon, you want to have the latest technology to make all that constant studying—or partying—easier. Tech gadgets not only help you do research on the go but help you to stay connected to your friends and family at home, too. Check out the latest must-have gadgets for college students.

Noise-Cancelling Headphones: Drown Out Your Roommates

Nothing’s worse than trying to cram for finals when your roommates are wreaking havoc in your apartment. A good pair of noise-cancelling headphones help you focus and drown out the many noises that are in your environment, whether it’s a party or chit-chat at the library. Play your favorite tunes while reducing background noise so you can pay attention to your studies.

Tablet PC: Stay Connected on the Go

Pakistani Songs

Tablet PCs and Netbooks are compact, basic computing gadgets useful for taking notes in class, browsing the web for research or socialization and performing some basic word processing functions. Rather than lug around a separate laptop case in addition to all those books, lighten your load a bit with a tablet PC. Tuck it in your backpack for easy portability.

Smartphone: Store All That Data in One Location

You have a million assignments, dates, appointments and exams to keep track of—why not keep all that information in one convenient place? A smartphone is more than just a phone. Sync your contacts, notes and calendar with your computer for access anytime. If you’re planning on pursuing your masters in project management, organization is your top priority.

Bluetooth Keyboard: Save Your Pudgy Fingers

With all the greatness of tablet PCs comes the inconvenience of using a touch-screen keyboard. Some students don’t mind, but others struggle with the different tactile feedback. If that sounds like you, a Bluetooth keyboard will be your hero. It’s a full, physical QWERTY keyboard that connects wirelessly to your tablet, basically turning it into a mini-laptop.

Automatic Bathroom Cleaner: Get the Ick Out

If you’re rooming in an off-campus house with a few of your buddies, someone’s going to have to clean the bathroom. No one’s going to volunteer. Invest in a gadget such as the iRobot Mini Scooba 230, set it up and let it do its dirty work on the bathroom floor. Unfortunately, the iRobot doesn’t do toilets–so you’re on your own for potty-cleaning duty.

Sound Cube or Mini Speakers: Make the iPod More Powerful

When you’re not trying to drown out the sound of your roommates, you’re the one causing the ruckus. A gadget such as the TDK Sound Cube blasts out the sound of your favorite music straight from your iPod to fill up the whole room. Mini-speakers are also compact enough that they won’t take up half your dorm room, so you’ll still have a spot for your bed.

These must-have tech gadgets could make you the coolest student on campus. Even if they don’t score you any dates, they’ll at least make your college life more functional.

HELIOS Software Ships Virtual Server Appliance

On February 26,2013, HELIOS Software release a turnkey file server solution for MAC, Windows and Web clients. It is Virtual Server Appliance , it easily deploys VM server images and is compatible with major VM environments like VMWare, ESX server, Citrix XenServer and Microsoft Hyper-V. It also includes HELOS EtherShare UB2, PCShare UB2, and WebShare UB2 which could be used within minutes. This has only been possible because of HELIOS’ Virtual Server Appliance compatibility with Optimized Linux runtime.

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In the words of Helmut Tschemernjak, CEO of HELIOS Software GmbH ,“Virtualized servers offer huge advantages including reduced IT costs, isolation of services and energy savings. Customers can deploy a full-featured, high performance and secure file server on any major VM environment within minutes. No special knowledge of the underlying operating system is required.”

Including a highly optimized runtime, it also includes a dedicated configuration assistant which easily, without any software installations, integrates with any network environment available and that also within minutes

Given in the list of features of the HELIOS Virtual Server Appliance provides:

  1. Mac file server with AFP 3.3, Bonjour TCP printing, Time Machine backups, Spotlight searches
  2. Windows file server with SMB/CIFS file and print services, Spotlight searches
  3. Web file server with list and gallery views, zoomable image and document previews, performance optimized file up- and downloads, Spotlight searches
  4. Authentication server with LDAP, AD/PDC and NIS integration support
  5. DHCP main and backup server for fast and easy-to-use client connections
  6. Remote administration from any Mac, Windows, or UNIX clients
  7. Integrated Logical Volume Manager supports:
  8. Multiple disks per volume
  9. Multiple file system snapshots for backups
  10. On-the-fly volume resizing without service downtime
  11. Easy server & storage setup via HELIOS Configuration Assistant

Any help regarding installation and configuration could be found with their videos.

Smart Ideas for Better Networking

HELIOS provide solution for various businesses its UB2 Unbreakable Server Solution

HELIOS UB2 Unbreakable Server Solutions deliver mission critical server solutions to enterprise, government, university, and prepress sites. WebShare, EtherShare, and PCShare provide integrated cross-platform networking for Mac, Windows and Web clients, with advanced file and print server features, and easy remote server administration.

Efficient and advanced design and printing capabilities are provided by HELIOS ImageServer, PDF HandShake and PrintPreview

Apple Mac OS X, IBM AIX, Linux, Oracle Solaris, and Windows systems are some of the powerful servers in which HELIOS’ products run seamlessly. They aslo provide cross platform support for Windows, Mac, Web and Unix based clients.

HELIOS products are sold worldwide to companies which provide networking solutions to their customers. It also works with numerous considered partners that use HELIOS server to deliver powerful third-party records, asset management and workflow solutions.

The Future of IT Employment

As you know, IT employment is a volatile field. IT jobs in UK businesses are particularly vulnerable. Projects, budgets, technologies all come and go. What’s more, are the positions in danger of usurpers?

English Songs

Children and teens nowadays spend more time using technology than ever before. There is not much time when they are not connected to the internet, be it via mobile phones, net books, or tablets. Does this mean that the next generation will overrun the current occupants?

The Future is the Children

Not so. The simple fact is that the adaptability of children is self-evident, and the ability to assimilate new experiences, and absorb new information is a matter of record. However, children’s learning does depend upon guidance and learning IT skills are not always intuitive.

There is a programme running in South Africa dedicated to improving pre-school age children’s technical and scientific ability and acumen to make them more ready to fill a perceived skills gap in their society. This is not unique. Many countries in the world are doing their utmost to treat technical inability as illiteracy. But it does not mean that the established generation is redundant?

The Future is Inclusive

The secret to being a valuable asset to any company is being adaptable, and always learning. By looking at a salary survey in the sector for the past year it is evident that for different IT job roles, the salary remains more or less static, until a level of seniority is achieved. This means that the ability of younger members of society is not really any more threat than any other time in history.

Whilst it may be true that youth unemployment is high and technology is more prevalent in the everyday world, it does not mean anyone need be left behind. Training, searching out new solutions and promoting new systems requires not just intelligence, but experience.

The Future is Now

In broad terms, staying ahead of the curve is key. We are not talking about the old cliché of kids being more able to set up VCRs faster than parents. This is the big time. Whilst the familiarity with technology is evident, young persons entering the job market lack experience.

There is a valid need for guidance and mentoring, as shown in the South African TekkiTots programme. Knowledge is always essential but without the ability and experience to know how to apply it and form your own conclusions, it becomes trivial.

Best Mobile Apps for Business

In such a fast growing world, where people have time constraints, they prefer to utilize every bit of their time to the fullest. Primary requisite is a handy phone which can carry their world and work at the same time. The phone should seamlessly facilitate checking E-mails, drafting word documents; interact with close friends or relatives etc. in their spare time. So companies also aim to cater to the growing demand of the customers smartly. Mobile developers are building applications from time to time which will are beneficial for small and medium business. Today we take a quick look at some of the Mobile apps which are doing rounds in the market.


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Is an application created by Bump Technologies to support Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android operating systems. It facilitates the two Smartphone’s users to bump their phone physically together to gather the details of contact number, photos, calendars, social events and other documents via internet. Not only that it also allows the user to bump photos to the computer systems. It’s free to download in both the Smartphone’s. So it’s the appropriate option to keep the contact information intact and not to bother about the business cards.

Intuit Go Payment

Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, Palm WebOS and Symbian are the phones which are having the option of downloading this application. But one thing which is important is that it’s not free for using it you need to pay some funds. Like for authorization you need to pay some 30 cents and while its price approximately is somewhere around $12.95. It’s one of the features which accept the credit cards through the Smartphone. No specific hardware requirement is there and also no limit to daily transaction.

Quick Office Connect Mobile Suite

It’s one of the services which use the Internet to get the access to the entire Microsoft office productivity suite. It allows creating, editing, modifying or sharing the document and spreading sheets along with presentation work as well. For this application you need to pay an amount of $9.99. It is also accessible via all the Smartphone’s named Blackberry, iPhone apps etc. It displays the list of files in a single alphabetical list.

Trip IT Travelling

Basic version of the application comes free. But for further enjoying the facility you need to purchase its membership for $49 for a year. It allows 10 users for a month with the amount of $29 a month. Business delegates have to travel a lot and for maintaining their itinerary they need to keep the records. Due to a lot of work pressure sometimes, it might happen that they may forget some meeting timing. So to keep in the sink the details of the meeting this application is quite helpful. Itineraries can be customized for including the details of the map, weather and directions.

Sales CRM EZi

Applicable to all the Smartphone’s like Black Berry, Android and iPhone apps. It’s an application from which you could track the sales opportunities and generate revenue forecast.